Decadence is in the details The Craft of Cohiba
From seed to smoke, meticulous care is taken to roll the world’s finest cigars.
Our pedigree is unmatched.
Exceptional cigars start with exceptional tobacco. Our history and reputation gives Cohiba access to some of the most highly sought after seeds and leaves the world over.
Skilled hands, from field to rolling table.
Our plants are tended to by hand. Our leaves are selected and picked by hand. And our cigars are rolled by the most gifted hands in the industry.
A moment of enjoyment, years in the making.
Between cultivating our crop and aging the selected leaves to attain the flavors and aroma our master blenders desire, it’s years before a Cohiba cigar is ready for your enjoyment. Worth the wait, we think.
There are no shortcuts to a Cohiba.
Perfection cannot be rushed. Luxury cannot be faked. Throughout the life cycle of our cigars, every step is carefully monitored and controlled, ensuring the final product is worthy of the Cohiba name.
Impeccable style to match the substance.
The red dot is more than a logo. It’s a symbol of excellence and a signal to cigar lovers that they’re about to enjoy something special. From band to box, every nuance is considered to add to your smoking experience.